

▲ 首届奥林匹克艺术大会筹委会执行秘书长孙兆华先生与“UN75共创未来”世界青少年美术大展全球巡展战略合作伙伴、渡渡美术馆创始人刘若望先生



▲ 渡渡鸟 The Dodo




▲ 苍生系列 Living Things11

▲ 一行人在渡渡美术馆

▲ 渡渡鸟 The Dodo

▲ 渡渡美术馆展品

▲ 渡渡美术馆展品

▲ 渡渡美术馆展品
▲ 一行人在渡渡儿童美术馆

▲ 守护地球艺术大手牵小手

▲ 渡渡儿童美术馆
▲ 渡渡国际生态雕塑公园

▲ 渡渡国际生态雕塑公园


▲ 苍生系列 Living Things24

▲ 渡渡国际生态雕塑公园
▲ 刘若望Liu Ruowang工作照
刘若望Liu Ruowang简介





a professional artist, the founder of Beijing Dodo Art Museum, the initiator of the Yulin Dodo Art Museum as well as the initiator of Yukou Art Town in Jiaxian County, is living in Beijing Now.
He was born in 1977 in the mountain area of Jiaxian County of Yulin District in the Northern Shaanxi Province. In 1996, he was admitted to major in Clothing Design at "Xi'an Polytechnic University" in Xi'an. Later in 1998, he quitted from the school because of willing to become a painter. He came to Beijing in 1999 and studied the postgraduate courses as a Teaching Assistant in Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) from 2002 to 2005; in 2005, his artwork The East is Red participated the "Light of the Academy" exhibition of excellent artworks held by CAFA and was awarded.
Liu Ruowang is a young artist growing up after the Reform and Opening up of China, he walked into the provincial capital city from a small poverty village in mountain of Western China through pursuing his education and later into the Capital of China. Finally, he became a professional artist. He became a shining star in Chinese art circles since 2005 and with groups of sculpture artworks and one after another exhibitions, he became an influential young artist with the international reputation. His artworks have been exhibited around the world in, except for Beijing, Shanghai and other Chinese inland cities, Singapore, Seoul of Korea, Queenstown of New Zealand, Venice Biennale of Italy, the University of Turin, Naples Municipal Square, Galleria degli Uffizi & Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, Florence, the Armory Show of New York, USA, Campell of France, Schleswig-Holstein of Germany and other places. He has many series of representative artworks, including Wolves Coming, The East is Red, The People, Heaven Soldier, Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water, Lofty Mountains and Flowing Water, The Original Sin, Dodo and others. The "Wolves Coming!" of Liu Ruowang in Florenrivilege after World War II" by the Galleria degli Uffizi & Piazzace Exhibition was planned and exhibited by the Galleria degli Uffizi, and he was rated as "the first artist with the p della Santissima Annunziata.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, German President Joachim Gauck, New Zealand Prime Minister John Key, South Korea's Parliament Defense Commission Chairman Won Yoo-Cheol, South Korea's Deputy Prime Minister KIM BYUNG-JOON have all visited Liu Ruowang and congratulated his success in art.